Twinning - Gefeillio

Caldicot - Waghausel
Caldicot has enjoyed a twinning Agreement for many years. This arose from contacts between the Town Councils via the British Council. Our first contact was with Wiesental, population 9,000, in Southern Germany, situated near the historic towns of Heidelburg and bruchsal, and the industrial town of Mannheim. Germany then underwent Local Government Boundary changes and Wiesental was incorporated, with two other villages, into one Parish.

The other villages were Kirrlach (11,000) and Waghausel (2,000) and the name of the new Parish was taken from the smallest of the three villages, Waghausel.

First contacts of the twinned Parishes were made between the two Councils and then local organisations made their own arrangements for an exchange, with the Councils taking an advisory position.

Cliciwch ar yr arwyddlun i fynd i
wefan Waghausel

Waghausel Crest

Please click on the crest to visit the
Waghausel website
Cil-Y-Coed - Waghausel
Mae Cil-y-coed wedi mwynhau cytundeb gefeillio ers blynyddoedd lawer. Deilliodd hyn o gysylltiadau rhwng y cynghorau tref drwy’r Cyngor Prydeinig. Roedd ein cysylltiad cyntaf gyda Wiesental, poblogaeth 9,000, yn ne’r Almaen ger trefi hanesyddol Heidelburg a Bruchsal a thref ddiwydiannol Mannheim.

Bu wedyn newid yn ffiniau llywodraeth leol yr Almaen a daeth Wiesental a dau bentref arall yn un plwyf. Y pentrefi eraill oedd Kirrlach (11,000) a Waghausel (2,000), a chafodd enw’r plwyf newydd ei gymryd o’r lleiaf o’r tri phentref, Waghausel.

Gwnaed y cysylltiaddau cyntaf gyda’r plwyfi gefeillio rhwng y ddau Gyngor ac wedyn gwnaeth fudiadau lleol eu trefniadau eu hunain ar gyfer cyfnewid, gyda’r Cynghorau yn ymgynghori.

Caldicot - Morières

In May 2002, a delegation led by Cllr Dave Evans, Mayor went to Morières to investigate the possibility of twinning with the French town.

In May 2005 a further delegation from Caldicot, led by Cllr Ron Stewart, Mayor, was welcomed by Joël Granier, Mayor, the Municipal Council and the twinning Committee and twinning between Morières and Caldicot was sealed on 7th May 2005.

Cliciwch ar yr arwyddlun i fynd i
wefan Morières
Morieres crest
Please click on the crest to visit the
Morières website

Cil-Y-Coed - Morières

Ym mis Mai 2002 aeth dirprwyaeth dan arweiniad y Cyng Dave Evans, Maer, i Morières i ymchwilio posibilrwydd gefeillio gyda’r dref yn Ffrainc.

Ym mis Mai 2005, cafodd dirprwyaeth bellach o Gil-y-coed, dan arweiniad y Cyng Ron Stewart, Maer, eu croesawu gan Joël Granier, Maer, y Cyngor Bwrdeisiol i’r Pwyllgor gefeillio a chafodd y gefeillio rhwng Morières a Cil-y-coed ei selio ar 7 Mai 2005.